"...the proven character of your faith-more valuable than gold, which, though perishable, is refined by fire..."
1 Peter 1:6-7
Forged is a term used to describe how an object is formed or shaped through concentrated effort. This concept can be applied to growing in the Christian faith. When we trust in Jesus for salvation, He makes us new and begins to mold or shaped us more into the image of Jesus. As we grow in our faith, the truth of God's Word shapes our minds and hearts and changes our actions to look more like Jesus.

About the class
Forged: Faith Refined is a two year curriculum consisting of eight volumes. Each volume will dive into the Bible to help preteens develop a worldview based on God's perspective. We meet twice a month, on the second and fourth Sundays.
Vol. 1 Truth
Vol. 2 Identity
Vol. 3 Worship
Vol. 4 Discipleship
Vol. 5 Guide
Vol. 6 Connect
Vol. 7 Thrive
Vol. 8 Influence
Vol. 2 Identity
Vol. 3 Worship
Vol. 4 Discipleship
Vol. 5 Guide
Vol. 6 Connect
Vol. 7 Thrive
Vol. 8 Influence